Healing Touch and Reiki at Heart Centered Healing Touch
First Session ~ 1 & 1/2 hour $65.00
Subsequent sessions ~ 1 hour $50.00
1/2 hour session $35.00
Home or hospital visits $75.00
Package Deals
3 one hour sessions (after initial 1 & 1/2 hour session)
$135.00 ~ a savings of $15.00
10 sessions, includes the first 1 & 1/2 hour initial session with intake
$400.00 ~ a savings of $115.00
The package deals are great for those who would like to have a care plan and work on creating a shift in emotional or physical healing. This is where the 10 session package is ideal when it is recommended for many people dealing with acute physical and/or emotional issues to receive weekly treatment for one - two months, then reduce to twice a month and then monthly or as needed. The 3 package deal is favored for those receiving monthly treatment. Payment is required up front and all sessions must be completed within 6 months.
Low cost treatment options available for $15.00 - $35.00 on a case by case basis.
Please call for more information. 719-229-1318 or email me at k.ann.dak@comcast.net
Forms of payment accepted
Cash, check and credit cards.
Insurance is not accepted at this time, but a receipt can be issued to submit to your insurance company. There have been cases where clients have been reimbursed for energy healing services by a select few insurance companies. The more these companies are exposed to the positive benefits of Healing Touch and Reiki, the sooner that it will become a mainstream therapy for reimbursement.
Health care savings plans can also be used for payment as an alternative to insurance billing.
Now accepting Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express & Paypal